Not Relevant

We’re Rare & We [Literally] Don’t Care

Where Women

Hi, I'm Dr. Brandi Baldwin, an award-winning social entrepreneur ​and author who has always played by the rules, strived to be an ​"A" student, was president of the student government, ran track, ​played in the orchestra, went to college and got three degrees-- ​all because the "world" told me that those things would make me ​"successful".

Welp... after accumulating all of these superficial ​accomplishments, I was still left feeling like a failure. I lacked self-​confidence, and realized that I was living a life of 'per-fake-tion'. ​Now, I'm on a mission to inspire women in all generations to ​embrace their "rare" and to let go of the need to follow the world's ​standards of success and happiness.

Together, we're embracing our "rare" by increasing our faith, our ​capacity to handle increased responsibility, our ability to steward ​God's gifts, and an ability to walk in holiness amidst secular ​standards of vanity and idolatry. I invite you to join us on this ​journey!

Grab Your Free eBook!

This year, our Rare Not Relevant community is reading the Rare ​Girl's Guide to Living a Life Set Apart. Enjoy topics like:

  • Ch. 1- What it Means to be Set Apart.
  • Ch. 2- Rediscovering Your Inherent Worth
  • Ch. 3- Breaking Free From the Low-Value Mentality
  • Ch. 4- In the World, Not of the World
  • Ch. 5- Be Ye Transformed
  • Ch. 6- Your 14-Day "Get Rare" Plan

Pre-Order Now!

In the Rare Not Relevant 52 Week Devotional, Dr. Brandi Baldwin ​presents a transformative guide for women navigating the ​competitive world of career and business while staying true to ​their faith.

"Rare Not Relevant" serves as a beacon for women seeking ​success grounded in faith and divine purpose. Dr. Brandi wants ​women to confidently embrace their uniqueness and pursue ​their God-given destiny. This book celebrates the extraordinary ​potential within every woman, equipping them to succeed on ​their terms while honoring their faith and values.



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